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The deepest gorge in North America?

Hells Canyon is known for its flora & fauna, its whitewater, its history, and its stunning scenery, but did you know that it is also the deepest gorge in North America? That right! Sitting at 7,993 feet (2,436 m) in depth, Hells Canyon is even deeper than the Grand Canyon in AZ. Carved by the Snake River, Hells Canyon is one of the premier back-country stretches that is accessible via jet boat. All of this was not lost on me as I took my first trip down Hells Canyon, and it will be evident to you too. We even took advantage of a jet back to my vehicle (with all of my float boating gear!) which shaved hours off of my drive back to Boise.

I will certainly be headed back to Hells Canyon as soon as I can to replicate one of the best trips of my life!